Four, four, four, four...

On- Tuesday, February 3

A friend sent me this little email, a quick way to stay in touch. 

a) Four places that I go over and over: Well six months ago in London that would have been boring places like the post office and bank. But now I can say... the beach, the garden center, the giant shopping center down the road and the thai restaurant round the corner.

b) Four people who email me regularly: My mum, my sister, the ad manager, the editor.

c) Four favourite smells: chocolate, vanilla, raspberry, coffee

d) Four places I would rather be right now: Venice, the beach, eating a pizza, a boat on the harbour. 

e) Four TV shows I watch: the news?? 

f) Last four books I read (and a rating out of 5): 'Friends Like These' by Danny Wallace 4/5. 'Taking Flight' by Kelly Rae Roberts 2/5.  'The Creative Entrepreneur' by Lisa Sonra Beam 3/5. 'Gustav Kilmt Landscapes' by Stephan Koja 2/5. 

g) Last four movies I watched (and a rating out of 5): Yes Man (5/5 very funny) Ratatouille (5/5 best movie in ages) 28 Dresses (3/5) Devil Wears Prada (5/5)

Send the questions with your answers to someone you've not heard from in a while :)

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