DIY project: origami paper cranes

On- Wednesday, April 14

The Chinese tradition of folding 1000 paper cranes before the wedding was supposed to instill the bride and groom with great patience, just whats needed in marriage! Folding 1000 origami cranes certainly does require patience, but once you've got the hang of it, they are very simple to make. Stringing the cranes hanging from the ceiling is a truly beautiful way to display your finished creations. But there are plenty of other uses for them. They make lovely place cards and even wedding cake decorations. Pics: artist Giles Edsall via Artful Paper, the knot and The Selby

DIY project:
For a really comprehensive step by step to making your own origami cranes click here

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5 Comentarios

  1. What a gorgeous idea.

  2. did you try making them? i think i would go nutz!

  3. Beautiful! I think that would take me a year to make that many though.

  4. Once you've got the hang of it its not so bad, but it did take a lot of patience to get the hang of it! :)

  5. I'm doing these for my wedding in blues, greens and purples (have started well in advance though) and I'm half way through. I plan on hanging them from twisted willow for our centerpieces with crystal beaded drops and creating a curtain for behind the bridal table aswell. But it sure does take alot of patience.
