DIY project: pressed flower invitations

On- Tuesday, June 14

pressed lavender
Lavender and Linen invitation with real lavender

Add a surprising floral touch your wedding invitations by incorporating real pressed flowers. This simple project is a beautiful way to add that extra special something, you can use a mix of flowers on plain paper or add to an existing design as we have here. Make sure your invitations are printed on fairly thick paper to start with at least 250gsm (about 140lbs)

What you will need:
heavy books and maybe a brick or rock
tissue paper
clear spray sealer
craft glue

DIY project
Step1. Lay out your cardboard and top that with a sheet of newspaper followed by tissue paper then your first few flowers.
Step2. Cover the flowers with another sheet of tissue paper, then newspaper, then more cardboard
Repeat this process to create your flower 'sandwich' until all your flowers are in place.
Step3. Top the whole lot of with some heavy books such as telephone books (finally a use for them!) and a couple of bricks or heavy rocks if you have them.
Step4. Leave your flower press for a couple of weeks.
Step5. Carefully remove your pressed flowers and spray them with some clear craft sealer.
Step6. Glue your flowers to your invitations! Easy!

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