DIY project: lemonade stand

On- Tuesday, August 10

lemonade stand

Nothings better on a hot day than a cool glass of lemonade, especially if you've just been standing in the hot sun watching a wedding ceremony! So why not set up a lemonade stand for your wedding guests? Picture perfect and really easy to put together, it's just the thing for an outdoor wedding, you can even keep the kids busy by asking them to man the shop.

What you'll need:
• A stand, which can be anything from a wine barrel to a table covered with a pretty fabric cloth.
• A 'lemonade' sign - write it on a chalk board or print one out.
• And obviously some lemonade. You can keep it simple and just supply chilled bottles of pop or make up your own batches served in large glass pitchers and make paper cups or glasses available.
• Finish by decorating with a few lemons and your done! Refreshingly simple.

Credits: Once Love Photos via Once Wed, dessert table with pink lemonade via Style Me Pretty, vintage soda bar via Intimate Weddings, yummy punch from a yummy wedding by Katie Day Photo, mint limeade and pink lemonade from Martha Stewart, don't forget to check out the recipes while your there!

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